We provide a number of services on a fixed fee basis in order to provide as much flexibility as possible.
There are two stages to the administration process;
Stage 1: The work required to obtain the grant of probate (where there is a Will) or the grant of letters of administration (where there is no Will)
Stage 2: The work required after a grant is obtained.
The amount of work involved in both stages will depend on the complexity of the estate and whether it is taxable.
All services provided by Yates Legal are subject to VAT at the current rate of 20%
Grant Only – all costs exclusive of VAT and disbursements
Some clients feel comfortable dealing with the majority of the estate themselves, but just require help with the Court application and the forms to be completed to obtain the Grant of Representation.
Our Grant only service may be beneficial for you as, once the grant is obtained, our involvement ceases and we hand back over you to deal with finalising the rest of the estate.
Package 1. Estate Less than £325,000 and you are providing all the information – £950
Package 2.Estate less than £325,000 and we are required to liaise with 3rd parties to obtain details of assets – £1,850 – £2,500
Package 3. Estate more than £325,000 and claim for IHT reliefs (such as residential relief) and you are providing all of the information. This does not include claims for Agricultural or Business Property relief. – £1,000 – £2,000
Package 4. Estate more than £325,000 and claim for IHT reliefs such as residential relief and we are required to liaise with 3rd parties to obtain details of assets. This does not include claims for Agricultural or Business Property relief. – £2,500 – £4,500
Package 5. HMRC IHT400 forms required, no inheritance tax payable but you are providing details of the assets (estate information) – £1,500 to £2,500
Package 6. HMRC IHT400 required, no inheritance tax payable but we are required to obtain estate information – £3,500 to £5,000
Package 7. HMRC IHT400 required, inheritance tax is payable but you are providing all information – £2,000 to £4,000
Package 8. HMRC IHT400 required, inheritance tax payable and we are required to obtain estate information – £4,500 to £7,000
Where Inheritance tax is due, this is in addition to our fees and is not included in our estimate of fees and disbursements.
In some circumstances it is not always possible to provide a fixed price. This might include where an original copy of a will has been lost. In those circumstances we will be happy to talk to you about the specific work we will need to undertake if we represent you, and the charges for that work.
How long does it take?
It depends on a number of factors. Obtaining the Grant of Probate can take up to 8 weeks from the point at which your application is submitted to the Probate Court.
What work would you be doing for me?
Our expert team will represent you during every step. This includes:
- meeting with you (either via video call or in person) to discuss your matter and in detail
- advising you about the the type of application required
- preparing and submitting the documents and forms, including the application to the Probate Court and any HM Revenue & Customs inheritance tax forms
- monitoring those applications, chasing where required, and handling enquires that may be received from the Court
- supplying the grant of probate to you